Residency Program #3 Real Estate Related Activity - Budapest Business Solutions

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Program Overview

This program targets those who want to own a property and reside in Hungary by establishing a company, and this alternative is one of the best available alternatives. To obtain residency, it is necessary to open a limited liability company, the maximum number of partners is 2 and the minimum is 1, the process of opening a company and obtaining residency takes between 4 to 5 months. There is no specific value for the property to be purchased and this is what makes this program very flexible and at the same time it is the safest program

Enjoy pleasure that has annoying consequences one who avoids a pain.

F1 Student Visa
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The system & expound actual teachings of the great explorer the truth.

J1 Exchange Visa
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No one rejects, dislikes avoid plesure itself because it is pleasure.

M-1 Non-Academic
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Program Phases

The stages of opening a company and obtaining residency are as follows:

  • Phase 01

    Get Professional Counselling

  • Phase 02

    Document Review

  • Phase 03

    Submit Your Data

Investing in value that increases over time inflation protection Keeping the value of money in fixed assets Quick profit

The difficulty of monetizing real estate at the right time is one of the most important shortcomings in the field of real estate, and this is undoubtedly a defect, but is there no benefit in this defect? The nature of the market today dictates speed in dealing and making a decision. Distinguished opportunities are rare and fleeting, and they need a quick decision. The owner of the property, if he had an opportunity and wanted to take advantage of it, did not have enough money and was not able to sell his property “liquidating” it as soon as possible, as the opportunity must have been missed

The Way To Reduce Risks Is To Deal With Market Experts In Those Areas So That The Best Property Was Purchased And Thus Reduce The Risks Of Real Estate Monetization To A Minimum

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